
Friday, December 27, 2013

Holidays... A Standers prospective. Many often wonder does this Stand get any easier as time goes on?

I have had this heavy on my heart these past few days. Many Standers often wonder if this walk & stand gets any easier. I'm sure that simply depends on the deep agape love in which each person is standing for their own mates deliverance(s). There are never any shortcuts in life so why should this phase in our walks be any different? It does get harder waiting month after month and year after year. We are to look to Jesus for our help in times of need. We are never suppose to put our Cov. Mates in the position of an idol or light where Christ ought to be first place. No matter if your mate is with you or seperated from you in this hour they are walking in darkness until they return in a Godly sorrow and complete repentance. Its simply our faithfulness being walked out daily with Him. He wants your mate back on track more than you do. You may even see your mate doing things attending church in this hour. Yet you see no change in their heart towards you or your children. Many Standers question this. They ask why or how can they go to church and yet not yet be changed. How come they keep playing house? Don't they know that they are walking in a fire zone with the enemy? That same enemy that led them astray and in most cases into permanant adultery with the other (or countless others). How can they not see truth set before them? Proverbs 5 in any version of the Bible speaks that of the same and where they will spend eternity. It leads to an early grave. Many ask why do they have to suffer as these prodical mates take their kids for weeks introducing another person as a new replacement. Beloved there is never ever a replacement for the real parent. In most cases these mates are seekings love in all the wrong places (just like the song). They have involved many different people in their life. Ones that they will have to explain that they made a mistake when they return. Or simply never see again because the Lord will speak to them to run and escape the plot of the enemy. God always gives them a way of escape! Trust Him to bring about the needed changes in you first and then them. Your heart needs healing and your faith is being exersized in this latter hour. It is only a test of you being in the fire. Does this walk get easier? Yes in some ways it does. When you first begin Standing and you don't even know what that means you might even find yourself on the floor in a ball feeling so broken and hopeless. You may cry and cry for times that go on forever. I confess that I did just that. The Lord will have you pray for other 1st marriages just like yours because He wants the generation sin cycle broken off your side or their side (sometimes both sides of the family). He wishes for His church the bride to be without spot nor wrinkle standing for rightousness. I can tell you that I along with countless standers have Christmas or other holidays that are harder in some years than others. Some of these wayward mates are involved with people who walk in the complete agreement with ungodly council even IF they are in a church. We are living in dark days where we are called to be the light. We are not better than they are we still have sin. Yet may be called to a higher level in our maturity in our walk. What I am trying to say here is like being under the influence your mate along with the other people they are with (even if they are calling them family now) are all under the influence of not only the world but the enemy himself. People may not yet see the circumstances of their poor choices which many times include injury or even premature death. They think that they are on the right path yet feel uneasy knowing that they need to be home with their Real wife and kids. Does it get easier....sometimes yes. If you are looking to the Lord instead of man being perfect it takes the weight (and wait off). Even IF they are taking photos of each other and YOUR kids and flaunting a so called perfect life...know its a lie of smoke and mirrors. Its just a matter of time and salvation. It takes just one of these wayward people to see the light again and send them off packing. Just like you were broken God will and can break them. Only the when they are walking humble before the Lord can they be used effectively for His Kingdom. So if you are hurting just remember that God hears the prayers of the righteous and in His perfect timing they will be answered. He collects every tear you have cried. Please know that our Prayer team is PRAYING & fasting for you daily. Next year will be different and I pray that God finds you faithful to His calling as well as stronger with heals dug in deeper. Its not your battle its always been HIS!! Only the Lord Jesus Christ will get the GLORY for your restoration to come.. May the next holiday which is quick on our heals find you praising Him instead of crying. His return is one day closer and I pray that your focus is on what you can do serving the Lord instead of an inward focus of perhaps self pity on yourself. He works on us all one day at a time. You are born with a purpose and a calling. Do you accept Jesus as your everything? Or do you simply clock out on holidays worried about why God hasn't done what He has promised and fall into the pit of disparity? He will deliver us all! Amen So get up and rejoice!! Take that bed and walk. You have power in that walk! Sharpen those tools in your spiritual toolbox and then let God do the fighting. There is power in His name!!! No more weakness so quit nursing those wounds. You are set free and delivered in this hour. Your mate will see your bright light. Keep standing trusting and believing its all coming to pass the way the Lord has promised in his Word. Holidays are just another day to God. We should be living like givers everyday as well as celebrating His soon return. Where is your focus? Is it on man made material possessions or eternal treasures that shall never fade away. Better yet are you teaching your children how to battle or just cry whine and give up? They need you to be that spiritual guiding light and example of agape love forgiveness and unconditional love just like Christ. We rejoice along with you as you travail giving birth to this new life in Christ. He is able! Happy and holy holidays!! Be set apart and don't celebrate as this fallen world does. Transform your mind and get into His Word. God less you with truth and freedom this holiday season and new year ahead. It does get easier. I can speak that being a veteran seasoned Stander. This may hit you but they don't stick as much. Why because he's made me stronger and I have faith like a bulldog that will never give up on my marriage or family. I know that the Lord delivers and sets people free. He's no respect or of persons and if He dud it once before He shall do it again! Its not about me...its always been about Him. Stand strong again and look UP! Focus on Him and NOT on the storms around you. I hope you'll choose to dance instead of mourn! Take off those grave clothes. Be set apart and shine like the star you are!! He's got you and your family concerns in the palm if His mighty hand. Put those other people including your mate back on the mercy seat. I hope this helped. Your walk more than likely is normal. If you are new to this Stand please message me by email @ or if you need extra prayers or scriptures. I'm here for you daily. May your days become brighter knowing others have walked this walk before you and are faithfully obeying and serving Him in this ministry of reconsilation internationally. We can council you in the Lord by also visiting our FB page. Sending prayers up right now for all who read and need this encouragement.He IS with YOU believe Him and trust again. Please forgive the silly typos. I need to proof read & edit. Nobodys perfect. Blessings, Sharon

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What about Re-marriage to another persons Cov. mate? Gods Word says....

If you don't yet know the answers to these questions ahead without twisting or deleting His written Word I challenge you right now in this hour to find Biblical truth. Not mans logic or laws Gods. Not new versions like the NIV in which many people don't even realize what's been taken out. Why? Because people rely on mans perception and most don't dig deep enough nor do they wish to do so in repentance. Repentance means to completely turn and run away from such sin. Such as Proverbs 5. If you knew the truth that would set you free as well as other captives would you flee the ongoing sin you are currently in? Would you continue on knowing truth waiting to be judged come that sudden judgment day. Its not us as christians judging you. Its presenting the whole truth into the light where sin can be exposed. Not as the world sees it-as God sees it. He is faithful to provide all that you are in need so that you can take the way of escape that He will provide for you. He is calling you HOME to your first love-Jesus. He forgives you completely and wants for you to reconsile with those people whom you hurt the most with your selfishness and sin. He's expecting a complete turn around in this latter day. He plans to use YOU, yes YOU in a mighty way for this final season. You do your part and He will do His. His Word says that you are to reconsile back to the mate of your youth.(scripture) He states in His Word that you are NOT free to remarry unless your mate is no longer living. (Scripture) There is no escape clause church! His Word is clear on this subject and I will today post more on this subject in the days ahead.The New Testament clearly states that you are not free like you may have thought been taught or listened to others exiting your first marriage in which God honors as the only true covenant biblical union. If your mates have died that is a completely different situation. That clearly doesn't mean that you distort and kill off your first mate. Do you want to get right with the Lord? Do you want to get out of the enemies trappings? He's leading you to read this today on purpose. His purpose! The narrow path is the easy path. Perhaps even the relationship you are in has not been a cake walk from day one. Gods been speaking and you have been ignoring Him and fooling everyone around you up until now. The act is up. Its over and you have a way OUT of this pit of distruction and wilderness. What's yours is YOURS...what's theirs is theirs. You knew that going in. You had many gut feelings that it was wrong and you continued to listen to bad council. Perhaps even people who have gone and justified the same actions. You can only be responsible for YOU! If you are the Husband you are called to be the headship over your own family (and the wife of your youth). If you are the Wife you are called to be a jewel that is precious to your first husband. You were given to each other in front of God and witnesses until death do one of you do part. Mans ways are not Gods ways. Church we are in trouble and perilous times if we think wrong is right and right is wrong. He's going to bring judgment on the Church first. If you wish to turn and get right with Him for real today know in your heart that He's been waiting for this hour. Angels rejoice over your return back into rightful relationship. That won't happen without a Godly sorrow which leads us to sorrow. Its lasting life changing he artful repentance all for His glory. You will always be on Gods hook. He hasn't released you to move on. He's released you to go back to your own family asking for their forgiveness first in reconsiliaton (not ever a release from your first assignment nor first marriage). If you have a mate that's been Standing for their mate to return back to their mate of their youth consider yourself very blessed. That one flesh cov.mate from your first (only marriage) is a rare and humbled mate. You have been on your distructive journey learning valuable lessons to teach others not to go down that Proverbs leading to the grave ending. Your first love (and only marriage) mate of your youth has also been humbled and used to help free others. They have lived on pretty much nothing yet persevere on with their children struggling by their sides (in most cases). Why because its what the Lord has called them to do until completion and His great return. Like it or not...its time to get right and GO HOME! Rejoice always because in doing so you'll set others free in your pathway as well. It may not be easy but it will be worth breaking off the generational sin cycles. Please know that we are praying for you to ACT on this immediately no matter what the holiday or date. We pray that its sooner and not too late. God is no respect or of persons and others just like you have shown up on doorsteps as a "suddenly" bought a plane ticket or filled up the gas tank paced up belongings and simply headed home not ever turning back to where they never should have gone in the first place. What is adultery and when does it end? Does it end when a guilty pair partake in an event with each other? What happens to the marriage union in Gods eyes with the first marriage with those mates if they are married for life in the first union. What can break that one flesh 1st marriage union? Nothing its bound in heaven and on earth. Until death do you part. God took that first vow seriously did you? I hope that you will personally study yourself approved and flee from the situation that you are in or headed for thinking that its okay to follow wrong leaders. Gods simply been calling you HOME and this is just one more strong confirmation. Obey Him!!! Please don't choose to die in the wilderness in continued sin. We will be praying for you and other prodacals like you. Come HOME today without delay. We never know the day nor the hour. He wants you to wear that robe of righteousness and crown. Its been waiting for you. Run and catch up to what He would have you to do. I may never meet you here on this earth yet He knows the plans that He has for you. More than likely unless you see me at a speaking engagement in the near future I shall see you in Heaven. Amen God bless you!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We just posted an urgent message....Weve got some Standers in some serious need right now. They need more than prayers. They need quick seasonal action.

Please see my posting back on No. 28th or details. Guys many are getting hit pretty hard right now. Please help. God is using us a the connector of the Dots so to speak. Address has been given. God sees us & if we follow through or walk on past. The time for action and the time to RISE up out from behind the four walls beyond our non understanding Churches is NOW!! God bless you for your obedience in this latter hours. Many will be SO thankful! Looking forward to posting mighty responses of testimonies. He will get the full GLORY...its not about us. Its about the body helping & ministering with what we have in hand (& pocket). Amen