
Monday, October 31, 2011

How to Stand for YOUR Cov. Marriage!

How to Stand For your Marriage

“For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband” (1Corinthians 7:14 NIV).

To stand for your marriage means that you take up a specific position. You decide that you’re not going to conform to the world’s ways and solutions, but do what the Lord wants us to do when our marriage goes sour. To stand for one’s marriage may sound simple, but it goes against everything the world teaches and what your flesh desires. To stand for your spouse is love in action.

To stand you must have endurance and patience. You must keep yourself full with the Word of God. Always keep your eyes on Jesus and not your circumstances. The battle is not ours but God’s, all I have to do is stand and endure. I ask the Lord to change me first before He starts the change in my beloved.

Our God is the God of restoration and reconciliation. He never ever gave up on us, and He wants the same from us; to never ever give up on our beloveds.

The Lord wanted me to show others who are in the same position, that there is hope, even if it seems that there is none. I am thankful for Churches who are now seeing the light and meaning of one flesh cov marriages. We were able to attend a ceremony of cov vow renewals. Not the worlds way but Gods way. I know that there will be MANY events like this and if you are doing so in your area please let us know.

We also have resources for Floral, backdrops and full wedding accessories A-Z which also includes Gowns. Feel free to contact us. We have also noticed that there are many spies in the land today. We must be doing something right. 

I will NOT Stand with any ministry unless its God approved. I know for a fact and its scriptual not to be in such company. I refuse to play a part in their gossip or any other form.  Amen 

God Bless!!

awesome Scriptures for you today in this hour. don't loose hope in your Cov. Marriage

  We are so delighted to have this opportunity to agree with you in prayer
for the restoration and reconciliation of your marriages and personal situations.

 According to Joel

2:25, He desires to restore to you the years that the locusts has eaten.
However it is imperative that you continue to speak the word of God over
your spouse and keep your focus on your right to the covenant of
restoration in your marriage. Listed below are some scriptures to confess
over this situation. Again we thank you for the opportunity to agree with
you and we consider it a great honor. We would like to celebrate with

 We love you here at MRM101. 

Have a blessed and
victorious day!

God established marriage as a covenant, to eliminate weaknesses

    1Peter 3:7        Being heirs together of the grace of life
Amos 3:3            Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?

God desires to be first in our lives, in order to manifest His goodness in
our marriages

    Matthew 6:33        Seek first the kingdom of God
    Psalm 37:4-5        When we delight ourselves in Him
    Proverbs 3:5-6        When we acknowledge Him, He directs our paths

Restoration is your right

Proverbs 6:31        Sevenfold restoration
Joel 2:25            Restoration of the years that the locust hath eaten....
Hebrews 13:19        Restoration will soon come

How to Fight Spiritual Warfare and Win

1Timothy 6:12        Fight the good fight of faith
2Corithians. 10:3        For though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the

Ephesians 6:12,13        Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to

1Peter 3:1-7        If any obey not the word, they will be won without the word

Godly Sorrow 2 Corin 7:10

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Pray For Your Spouse’s Repentance & Salvation
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 
 2 Corinthians 7:10
Do you know the most important event in you and your husband’s or wife’s life? It is both you and your spouse confessing your sins, repenting and receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord of your life.
This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood… Romans 3:22-25a
If I were to ask standers the question, "What is the most important part of your marriage being restored?" many would think it was their spouse coming home. You must know that to have your marriage totally restored and rebuilt on the solid rock of Jesus Christ, we need both spouses touched and to be changed by the Lord Jesus Christ.
“I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdomofGodunless he is born again.”  John 3:3
This not only gives you both eternal life, but it will also change you, your character, and your attitudes regarding everything in your lives. When you both know Jesus as Savior and Lord, He will transform both of you into new creatures in Christ.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:23
Marriage restoration is a process, much like restoring an old house. It takes time, but in the end, it will be beautiful and worth all the work. Then you will have a heritage for your children, grandchildren and future generations of all that has been accomplished inside those walls.
Some spouses come home by Holy Spirit conviction, but not every spouse comes home repenting and asking Jesus Christ into their life as Savior and Lord. The marriage may have to go through more difficult days, if the returned prodigal spouse has not repented of their sins, or if they will not run from their sinful lifestyle or totally sever the relationship with the other person. In fact, you may have to walk through some deep waters if your beloved spouse is home, which is a praise, but they are living in sin. Your actions as a husband or wife with unconditional love will continue to allow the Holy Spirit to speak conviction to their heart every day. Your prayers as the prayer warrior are powerful and essential to get victory.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer…Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:12, 21
As a stander, pray specifically for your spouse's repentance and their salvation every day before they come home. Nevertheless, always be ready to open the door wide, bringing them in from Satan's trap and territory. Jesus will do the changing of the heart. If the Lord brings your prodigal home, He will do the cleansing from their sinful lifestyle.
Every spouse who is on the road of marriage restoration must learn to seek the Lord and pray through many different issues and learn how to react as the Lord wants you to react. Just pray and lay them at the Lord’s feet daily. Let me suggest you pray and read Psalm 51 and Romans 12:9-end each day which will come alive to you quickly.
Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:31-32
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."  Luke 19:10
This Lord's Day may you and I never forget to pray for all spouses, family and friends, who need to come to know our Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives. We need to pray that the Holy Spirit will speak conviction so loudly that they will want to repent and turn from sinful lifestyles. May every spouse who does not know our Lord Jesus Christ this Lord's Day call on His Name to be saved from the enemy, who is a liar and the deceiver. Imagine how many hurting marriages that are still together could be changed forever, by putting Jesus Christ first in their lives!
"Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!"  Ezekiel 18:30-32
What does "repentance" mean? "To change one's mind from sin or evil; change or turn away from past; process of transformation of character and attitudes."
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  I John 1:9
"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."  Acts 2:38-39
"Salvation" from Nelson's Three-In-One Bible Reference Companion says: "The total work of God in affecting a right relationship between mankind and himself." In another concordance, salvation is explained as saving us from the practice and dominion of sin, filling us with the Holy Spirit.
"’Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.’"  Acts 2:21
Is that not your prayer for your spouse and other loved ones who are living blatantly in sin? Salvation comes as a gift of God's grace which is God's unmerited favor, mercy, and compassion for all of His people.
Do you believe that your spouse can be saved? Believe every day that your Lord wants your spouse to be saved and have their life changed completely. Now pray for them forever!
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
The first step in having a restored marriage is to ask Jesus Christ into your life and into the mess of your marriage. You need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior of your life. Our God and Creator wants a personal relationship with you and to have intimate conversations with you daily.
Have you received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of your life? When you confess your sins, repent and ask Jesus to come into your life, He will save you and become your Comforter, Counselor, Deliverer, Defender, Advocate and Friend in the days ahead, regardless of your circumstances. Are you lacking the assurance of your salvation you made years ago? Just pray this prayer below and know for certain that you are a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Here is a prayer for you:
"Dear Jesus, I believe that You died for me and that You rose again on the third day. I confess to You that I am a sinner and that I need Your love and forgiveness. Come into my life, forgive me of my sins, and give me eternal life. I confess to You now that I want You to be my Savior and I want you to be Lord of my life. I surrender every part of my life to You, Lord. Thank You for my salvation. Lord, show me Your will and Your way for my marriage. Mold me and make me to be the spouse I need to be for my husband/wife. Thank You for rebuilding my marriage on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. I pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen."
Let me personalize a prayer for the salvation and repentance of your prodigal husband or wife:
"Lord, I am praying for my husband or wife and every spouse and prodigal child who are away from You that are in the pigpen of life away from their families. Lord, open their spiritual eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of their sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in You. Lord, go, deliver, touch, and rescue them from the trap of Satan and bring my husband/wife home and all Your  prodigal children home to their waiting spouses, quickly. I know nothing is too hard for You. I pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen."
Never stop praying and believing for your husband’s or wife’s heart to be transformed, suddenly, today!
Prodigals do come home,

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Battle For Your Promised Land

Victoria Boyson: The Battle For Your Promised Land

by Victoria Boyson

Oct 28, 2011

I woke up from a dream and felt the presence of the Lord all over me. In the dream, God told me to tell His children to: "Believe for more from God."

The Lord said that we, as His Church, do not believe for enough. We expect less because we're afraid to fully trust in His power. God wants us to pursue the miraculous – to believe for greater works from Him. He wants to show the world what He is capable of and needs us to believe for more – not just for ourselves, but to display His power to the lost. He wants to reveal His power to the world!

The world is becoming increasingly more cynical about the things of God, having greater faith in "science" than in Him. He wants us to change that.

Too hard, you say? That's why He wants us to expect more from Him.

The Purpose of the Battle

Many see the increased wickedness of the world we live in and say, "Yep, this is just the way it's gonna be. We can't stop it. The world gets darker every day." But this isn't the first time that darkness has increased. If you look at history you see in many societies darkness has increased and tried to destroy the works of God. But instead of allowing the enemy to have his way, they stood their ground and fought for the genuine power of God. We must fight for God's power in our own personal lives, the Church and also the world.
We've often misunderstood the purpose of our battles. Battles are not meant to just cause us tribulation, but bring victory. We cannot have victory without a battle. When God sent the children of Israel to take their promised land, they had to fight for it. Yes, it was theirs, but they had to step out and take it – they had to battle their enemies for it. It was theirs by faith, and the battle was their pathway to possessing the promise God gave them.

The children of Israel had already spent four hundred years in slavery and forty years in the desert – they had suffered a lot. So, you may think the promised land for them meant a vacation from their suffering. Yet, it was then God put them to work. They didn't just walk into the promised land and set up house. No. They had to fight for it. They incurred one battle after another, but they knew every battle they faced meant more victory – more blessing.

When the children of Israel entered the promised land of Canaan God gave them victory over every foe they encountered. The reputation of Israel's God so terrified the inhabitants of Canaan that five kings from the southern region decided to band together to fight them, but were sorely defeated. And in Joshua 11, believing their only hope of defeating Israel was in a massive united force, thirty-one kings from the northern regions of Canaan came against Israel with all their might. Their great armies banded together to fight them, and were a formidable force. Still, though thirty-one armies strong, they stood no chance against the God of Israel. Through a clear and decisive victory on the battlefield, Joshua slaughtered all the other kings and their people, utterly destroying them all.

We can look around us at the wickedness of our generation and think hopeless thoughts of defeat. But is that what God desires of us? Are we supposed to just lay back and let the world fall to pieces? I don't think so. I think, especially in this day, God wants to show the world His power. Like Egypt in the days of Moses, they will see it and recognize He is the one true God.

God desires to pour out His Spirit in a mighty way – to demonstrate to masses of people just how powerful He truly is. Without a demonstration of His power, those who have been led astray by the anti-Christ spirit prevalent in today's society may not have a chance to choose Him. This is simply because they have not been given the opportunity to know Him as He truly is.

Do they know He is a God who loves, heals and delivers? God wants them to know His power and who He is. We must step out in faith and fight the battle to reveal His power to the world.

"My great glory will be displayed through [the battle you face]. When My glory is displayed through them, all [the world] will see My glory and know that I am the Lord!" Exodus 14:17-18 (NLT)

Revival is Coming

As the Church, we should be preparing all our people for another great awakening. This preparation is key to the success of God's last outpouring, because we need warriors to fight for the souls of men – those who will expect victory in every battle.

Revival is coming. God is not done yet. He is sending His Spirit once again to penetrate the darkness and rescue those who will believe in Him. We have to prepare for it. We have to expect it. We must align our hearts with His in order to prepare for victory.

If we do not expect God to act, we will not prepare, and if we do not prepare, we will suffer great loss. Ask the Lord, "What do you want us to do to prepare?" Then, follow Him closely and trust Him completely – lean on His wisdom, not on your own (see Proverbs 3:5) and you will have a great victory. Obey His leading and do not deviate from His council (see Joshua 1:7).

We need to shake off passivity and BELIEVE He needs us – each one of us. We are not destined to just sit in a pew – no one is. We are called of God to prepare His people to display His power and love – to know Him and teach those who want Him. The Lord is coming again, and He will come for ALL who want to know Him – He doesn't want anyone left out. We must prepare ourselves for this – we must prepare to reap a mighty harvest before His return.

Preparing for Victory

So, pastors and church leaders, intercessors and teachers, prophets and evangelists, mothers and fathers, tell those under your care to prepare themselves. Now is the time to get ready – we do not have much time left. We must focus, train and build, for His Kingdom is coming to this generation and we must stay vigilant – not doubt – expect. For, God wants to reveal His power as He did in the days of the exodus from Egypt (see Exodus 3:19-22). Follow Him and you will defeat your enemies.

Remember the fields God talked about in Luke 10:2? "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So, pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields." The fields are white and we need laborers. God needs YOU! So, get ready... revival is coming. Victory is coming. The battle for the lost is at hand and you are needed. The kings will attack, bringing us another great victory for God's Kingdom.

Have no fear, believe for more! God wants to pour out His power!

"Go through the camp and tell the people to get their provisions ready..." (Joshua 1:11). It's time to battle for your Promised Land.
Victoria Boyson

This is what I was mentioning guys. We know the Lord has us in a TEACHABLE Mode right now...Please help get us there with your support.

Freedom Ministries Training Week. Bob Hamp, Alan Smith, and Aja Schiewe, of Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas will be joining us to teach this powerful and exciting training. 

This is a can't miss, as we are bringing the same intensive training held at Gateway Church to Michigan for the special price of $125 per person which includes all materials you will need to attend. (Normal price is $165 plus your expenses for Dallas.) 

Register today and plan on attending with other team members from your church. This is an open event that can transform your entire church body! 

It doesn't include anything BUT the Class...Please help us get there so we can continue to help others. Its quite intesnisve! 
We also have one more on our team that would LOVE to attend! 

ICU and every moment is worth the time invested for HIS GLORY!!! Amen

Thank you in advance!

Sharon & Karleigh 

Be The Miracle!

Thank You and God Bless your every need. Give sparingly and reap sparingly, give and it shall be given! Let God fill you to exceedingly overflowing.

If you would like to become a monthly or bi-weekly support of this ministry that is now internationally far reaching, yet also meets the needs in our own backyard. Please contact us immediately. We need you in this hour. We will continue to be faithful and are held accountable. 

If you would rather send Gift Cards (Please contact us for our mailing address). We need them now without any delay so we can hand out Gift Baskets. We are currently counting down the days and hours and all gifts great or small the Lord is well please with your amount today. Thank you so much!

Please contact me if the Lord is calling you to step up and donate to this ministry by planting a seed and also helping somebody in great need. My email is: 

Thank you again and God Bless,

Integrity Scriptures What Moves God's Hand?

What moves Gods hand is faith in him and living in integrity....believing God is who he says he is and in his word. Faith. By Faith mountains move, By faith Noah built a ark, By Faith, even though Abraham and Sarah were too old they had a son,By faith the Walls of Jericho fell, after the people marched around them for seven days...they believed and obeyed God. Obeying God will only set you up for miracles to happen and bring favor into your life. By Faith your cov. marriage will be restored.

~In the time of my favor I will answer you~ Isa 49:8a I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then `suddenly` I acted, and they came to pass.Isa 48:3 Then will all your people be righteous and they will possess the land forever. They are the shoot I have planted, and the work of my hands, for the `display of my splendor`. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly. Isa 60:22b

Although things are not perfect, because of trial or pain, continue in thanksgiving, dont begin to blame. when the times are hard, pierce winds are bound to blow, God is forever able, Hold on to what you know. Imagine life without His love, Joy would cease to be. keep thanking Him for all the things, Love imparts to thee. Move out of " Camp Complaining ,"No weapon that is known, no earth can yield the power, praise can do alone. Quit looking at the future, redeem the time at hand. Start every day with worship, To "thank" is a command. Until we see Him coming, Victorious in the sky, We'll run the race with gratitude, Exalting God most high. Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad but, Zion waits in glory, where none are ever sad!"

What It Means to Forgive

What It Means to Forgive By Winston Smith

Thinking about forgiveness in terms of four basic decisions helps us forgive others the way God forgives us.

Forgiveness is incredibly powerful. If it could be bottled, a daily dose would probably save a lot of marriages. But what, exactly, does it mean to forgive? What are the “active ingredients”? How do we learn to forgive?

Embracing what Jesus has done for us and extending that in thought, word, and deed to others is the essence of forgiveness. In forgiving one another, we draw on the forgiveness that Jesus has given us by making a decision to release another from the penalty of sin. Rather than drawing a curtain and pushing each other away, we push sin and judgment away and draw near to each other. Put as simply as possible, forgiveness is releasing the other from the penalty of sin so the relationship can be restored.

Think about forgiveness in terms of four basic decisions that reflect the way God forgives us:

A decision to release. Forgiveness means letting go of your right to punish another and choosing through the power of God’s love to hold onto the other person rather than his or her offense.

In the process of forgiving, the first barrier you have to remove is within yourself. You have to decide to let go of the offense along with your desire to punish the offender. You have to decide to see your spouse instead of the offense. Often the decision to let go has to be renewed daily, hourly, or even more often. The bigger the offense, the more challenging it can be to let go; but the less you ruminate on the offense and feed your anger, the easier it becomes.

Understanding forgiveness as a decision to let go is important because we often confuse forgiveness with our emotions. When this happens forgiveness ebbs and flows as our emotions ebb and flow. When we don’t feel angry, we think we’ve forgiven, but when anger resurfaces it seems we’re back to square one. Just when we think an issue has been laid to rest for good, it pops up again. While forgiveness affects and can bring relief to our emotions, it’s much more than an emotion. It’s a decision we make based on our worship of God to forgive as he forgives. God’s forgiveness isn’t a declaration of emotion but a declaration that his people are forgiven and pardoned from their sins just as a judge would dismiss a case from a courtroom. In that sense, forgiveness is a decision, a declaration, a once-for-all-time pronouncement.

But what if you can’t stop thinking about it? When you dwell on an incident, it may mean there are lingering questions or anxiety about what’s happened. Look for unresolved issues or unanswered questions. Are there hurts that you never revealed? Is there something missing or wrong in the way your spouse is dealing with his or her sin?

Also explore the possibility that there’s a hidden benefit to dwelling on the incident. Sometimes we prefer to live in a self-protective cocoon of anger rather than risk the trust required to forgive. Holding onto an offense may afford a sense of moral superiority over our spouses and distract us from having to look at our own hearts. If this is the case, focus on God’s love and mercy and ask Him to help you forgive. You may also want to enlist the encouragement and prayers of wise friends or a counselor.

Forgiving isn’t the same as forgetting. It isn’t a divine form of amnesia. God doesn’t ask us to live as people without a history or pretend that sins never happened. In fact, being able to recall how God has delivered us through marital storms, empowering us to confess, forgive, and overcome, can give us hope and an anchor in future storms. Stories of forgiveness and reconciliation can also become part of the way you seek to strengthen and encourage others in their marriages. Remember that it’s one thing to dwell on an incident with thankfulness for how God has worked in your marriage but quite another to dwell on it and find you anger and hurt reawakened.

A decision to sacrifice. God’s forgiveness required the sacrifice of His Son to pay the penalty for sin. Our forgiveness requires sacrifices, too, though of a different sort. Your suffering doesn’t atone for your spouse’s sin, but you’ll have to sacrifice in several ways:
  • You’ll have to accept the wound that you’ve received from your spouse. Forgiveness doesn’t mean pretending it didn’t happen or running from it. Face the pain of the offense and the discomfort of talking about it, so your spouse can know how you’ve been hurt and have an opportunity to turn from sin and receive mercy and forgiveness. Forgiveness is a sacrifice in the sense that you’re choosing the more difficult path. You’re sacrificing the temporary comfort of ignoring the problem or the temporary pleasure of erecting a wall of bitterness and instead doing the hard and sometimes painful work of moving toward the one who has wounded you.
  • It also means that you’re letting go of any future payback. You’re sacrificing all of the moments that you’ll want to remind your spouse of how he or she has wronged you, wanting to cause the same kind of pain you’ve been caused, taking comfort in the power of making your spouse earn back your love and affection.
An important way that you sacrifice your claim to justice is by refusing to bring up the matter in a harmful way. That means, for example, no subtle digs and not using it as a trump card in the next argument. This is an extension of your decision to release your spouse from penalty. If you’re successfully putting off negative musings then you’re much less likely to use the incident against your spouse in the future. If you repeatedly bring up the matter for the purpose of hurting your spouse, reaffirm you decision to release him or her from penalty. Reflect to see if you’re regularly reviewing the hurt in your mind and why.

The key phrase in this commitment is “in a harmful way.” Even in the context of a conflict, it may be helpful to understand how a current problem is related to a past problem. Being able to identify a pattern of problems in marriage can lead to a deeper understanding of what’s going on beneath the surface. So, for example, a wife who has recently sinned by losing her temper over several different incidents may need to be encouraged to notice the rising tide in her anger. A loving husband would naturally want to help her think through and understand what’s driving the recent spike in anger, to get beneath events to underlying issues. That doesn’t demonstrate a lack of forgiveness but wisdom and love.

Don’t gossip about the issue. Talking to others about the incident probably means that you’re nursing your memory of the offense. Notice how often you’re thinking about this incident, what your attitudes are about it, and why.

A desire to talk to others may also be a sign that you need to talk more to your spouse about the incident but can’t. If you’re afraid that raising the issue again will hurt your spouse or if he or she has asked you not to bring it up again, remind yourself and your spouse that forgiveness is a process, that you’re committed to forgiving, but that you need help thinking and talking it through if your forgiveness is going to grow.

A decision to trust that God is up to good. As Jesus sacrificed He had to entrust Himself to God. He had to trust that God would really deal with the sin that He, Jesus, was paying for. He trusted that forgiveness would make a difference and that His sacrifice was not in vain. He trusted that God would protect Him, even raise Him from the dead. He trusted that God would renew and restore His people.

You, too, have to trust God when you choose to forgive. You have to trust that God will both heal your hurts and use your sacrifice to restore your relationship. When you forgive you have to trust that you aren’t being a fool, but that God will work through your forgiveness. Your forgiveness doesn’t guarantee a change in your spouse, but it does guarantee that you’ll grow and that you’ll be protected from bitterness. Trust that forgiveness is the path that God provides to draw back the curtains that separate you and your spouse. Trust that forgiveness will renew your marriage.

A decision to grow. No matter how sincere the confession and commitment to change, your spouse may again sin against you. Remember that change is a process. The forgiveness that God gives us based on Jesus’ one-time death on the cross is bestowed on us day by day for the rest of our lives. A purpose of that forgiveness, restoring us to His perfect image, is a process that takes a lifetime.

As God perfects His image in you, forgiveness is something that you’ll become better at. On some days, forgiveness will seem natural and easy. On other days you’ll feel ready to overturn the decision you made the day before. Jesus has begun a wonderful work in you but you aren’t fully mature. Growing in forgiveness will require you to stay focused on Jesus, interacting with Him and learning from him just as you must do in every other area of life.

Adapted from Marriage Matters ©2010 Winston T. Smith. Used by permission of New Growth Press.

Cov. Marriage Is God's Idea For A Lifetime!

It's in the trials of life that we learn to lean on the Lord in a whole new way. It's in the times of crisis that our faith is tested. There used to be a time when you would panic because of the trouble in your life. But now you are growing up in Christ and trusting God in a whole new way. Your faith is being tested but you will pass this test. Love Bishop Dennis Leonard

Cov. Marriage is God’s idea, and it only works as God planned it – with Him. As soon as God walked away, Adam sinned and blamed Eve – is that love? True love comes from God, and marriage is built on it or collapses. The only glue to hold two people together is love. God’s love is the super-glue in their lives.

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke - Official Page

When Things Seem Impossible By Dr. Charles Stanley

When Things Seem Impossible By Dr. Charles Stanley

Reading: JEREMIAH 32:17-22

What is your first reaction when you encounter a difficult circumstance—one that looks impossible? Some people go into "overdrive" searching for an answer or a way out. Others curl up in defeat or withdrawal, either declaring the situation hopeless or trying to avoid it altogether. Hopefully, as a Christian, you turn immediately to the Lord, seeking His guidance. But what you ask Him is very important.
  • O Lord, what am I going to do? At first glance, this seems like the right thing to ask, but is it? The problem with this question is that even though we are seeking the Lord's guidance, the focus is on our actions. That means the way we think about how to handle the situation is limited to our abilities, resources, and understanding. All too often, our minds will begin to devise possible plans, and we soon resort to manipulating and maneuvering in an attempt to fix the problem.
  • God, what are You going to do? This is the right question because now the focus has shifted to the omniscience and omnipotence of almighty God. He blows the sides out of any box that confines us and untangles any situation that baffles us. He has the power to carry out His plans, which—unlike our solutions—are perfect, always bringing Him glory.

To truly pray the second prayer, you must be willing to surrender all your plans into His hands. Not only does He know what to do and how to accomplish it, but He can also make a way through any impossibility. Your job is simply to trust Him and obediently follow His directions.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Be Faithful in the Small Things

Ears to Hear

Good morning,

Today the Lord was speaking to me about "standing strong in peace".  I wrote it down to share with you.
"Be faithful in all the small things that I have told you to do.  In so doing every step that you take from obedience will bring you to the next level.  Remember that every step is preparation for your destiny.  Be patient as you continue to fulfill the plan that I have for you.  Your stand in the plan of promise will cause you to walk straight into the victory that I ordained for you.  Even when the enemy tries to block, stop, or detain you, let him know that you mean business, and stand strong.  Stand strong in My peace!  I Am your peace, and your obedience to every step causes you to live in a place of peace.  It does not matter what the circumstances say, I Am has spoken and will bring you to the place of fulfillment.  You remained in My provided refuge when storms raged against you, because you love My Word.

     "Now to you My faithful child, it is time for you to prepare to enjoy a fresh new season.  You can come out into the shining of a new day.  Consider this as your times of refreshing, that has come as reward for your faithfulness to Me and My Word.  In this refreshing will come freedom to walk in sign, wonders, and miracles.  It will be as natural to you as breathing.  You will know that this season is to usher in as many souls into the Kingdom as possible.  Many will come to the 'rising' of My children, to see if you know your God.  Because you have spent time in the secret place getting to know Me, they will know that you have been with Me.  I have given a reprieve to the world at large so that My children will arise and carry out to the fullest My plan.  Once you are strengthened and prepared to carry out to the full My plan, then the world will speed toward it's purpose.  You will shine with My glory and those lying in darkness will go towards the light, and I will make their darkness light.  Many will continue on in darkness, for they prefer it over the light, they love evil.  My peace gives you the ability to stay tuned to Me and the next step that I have for you.  All of the transitioning and repositioning is for your good, take Me at My Word.  So stand in My peace and be not moved!"


Pastor D.

Scripture References: Ps.119:165; Isa.42:14-16; John 3:18-21; John 16:33; Acts 3:19

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Praying For Open Doors!

Taken during ArtPrize 2011

I felt it on my heart this morning to share a piece of my journey with you at this moment I'm in, as I have given myself over to God completely to do with my life as he pleases. It has been amazing, wonderful, scary and trying  but most of all freeing!

In the last few months I have been crying out to God to show me His purpose, plan and perfect will for my life. If you do this be ready because His word surely is FAITHFUL and does not return void and I can surely attest to that! 

He has started connecting so many of the dots together that I have finally begun to see this beautiful picture emerging from what I used to think were miserable failures, ugliness and total chaos. Just remember, when you are going through times like those it's not for nothing and as I reflect back on those times now God allows me to see the beauty and not the pain.I was being refined in the furnace, being purified, sanctified (being set apart for His work) by Him.

The two verses God had given me during those times to stand on were:

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," Declares the Lord, " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"  and James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure Joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything..."

Now having been through a lot and giving up my life (My own plans, thoughts and will) for His sake and purpose, He has given me a glimpse into His provision for my family.Which includes a ministry for the poor, oppressed and needy. In this vision, He has given me includes a building that is for sale for $199k that has been spiritually claimed for us and God shall bring it to pass in the physical for this ministry!

We are in need of many, many things and we would like to ask any who follow what God has been and is still doing in our lives to give whatever He may put on your heart to give.We are in need of PRAYERS, FINANCES, HOUSING ITEMS (such as new clothing-accessories, new bedding ,computers, kitchen items, living room items ,beds, holiday needs & christmas decor...and so the list goes on).

The purpose of this building is to provide temporary housing for those that are caught off guard by sudden changes in their housing and finances, as well as hope and encouragement in this hour!

God's word says, " You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed." Psalm 10:17

I believe we have been CHOSEN by God in this generation for such a time as this and I also believe others have been CHOSEN by God to exercise their gifts and talents within the Body of Christ. We are his hands and feet and must fight for the calling He has on our lives! I also believe that the Body of Christ is called to give HOPE, FAITH and LOVE to those afflicted and hurting. What better way to make manifest the LOVE of CHRIST in RISING UP and answering His CALL to PROVISION in this time of NEED?

I just want to thank all of you who have been following God's will in our lives. It sure has been a journey like no other and so the journey will continue until Christ's return. I thank you ahead of time for your prayers and giving. Remember that in all things the GLORY is God's alone! We ask that you simply obey the Lord with whatever he places on your heart. Thank you again.

Sincerely Yours,

Many of you know how to reach us or
‎"May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress? Why embrace the bosom of another man’s wife? For a man’s ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths." Proverbs 5:18-21

Rob, Karleigh and I in March 2011

Robert our son  (Film/Movie Production)
Karleigh our daughter (Writer/Aspiring Actress)
Our Covenant Wedding Day in 1988

Thank you for your continued prayers as we STAND to SEE God's Glory in this season for many seeking restoration as well. 

Make sure that you know our mission and purpose/destiny. God is using us mightily for His Kingdom's purposes! It's not about any of us - its all about Him. We are second!

God Bless You,


Julie and Paul: Encouragement For Your Cov. Stand.

In 1980 I met my first husband.... I was a teenager living alone in a new city after leaving home because I had been very unhappy and had been beaten regularly. Shortly after leaving home I found Bruce Springsteen! I was alone, lonely and lost - his music resonated with the pain in my heart and the promise of a new land of milk and honey. I'd never had a boyfriend before - I was the shy quiet awkward girl at school. One day my brother told me that a boy who he worked with also  liked Bruce Springsteen. The boys name was Paul. No-one in the Uk had really heard of Bruce back then in 1980. My brother arranged a meeting between Paul and I. Paul came to my bedsit. He brought around the recently released 'The River' We played it over and over all evening. Strange as it was Paul lived round the corner from me. We connected immediately. A bond was formed that night which is still here 31 years later. We became inseparable. Paul also had experienced and unhappy childhood - much worse than mine he had been seriously abused and abandoned, he told me everything. We used to spend nights holding each other listening to 'Drive All Night' by Bruce. It became our song. 3 years later I became pregnant. We had a beautiful liitle girl. Life became tough. We were both struggling with our past. Both insecure and out of control. Our baby was difficult - screaming all the time.  Nevertheless for some reason in the middle of all this turmoil we decided to get married. We had a beautiful wedding, a special day. When I made my vows at the altar I meant it for life. A few months later after another huge argument Paul left and went to stay in London with his brother. 

To start with I was relieved. I had peace in my home. 3 weeks later Paul came back and said he wanted to try again. I said no. I couldn't go back to the fights and tension. He still continued to visit our daughter - maybe for another year or so.  Eventually he met someone else. As time went on  I began to realise how much I loved him and how much our little girl needed her Daddy. I tried to talk to him and asked him to come home. He was adamant he wouldn't. It hit me like a ten ton truck... He was my husband i loved him, i didn't want a broken marriage, a broken family. He was my soul mate, the only one who could ever really know me and love me. He wouldn't come home. I began to slide into drug addiction and oblivion. Trying to blot out the pain. I called him and cried and begged him to come home - all to no avail. He cut all contact with me. I sunk lower. I started to get involved with other men. I needed someone to blot out the pain - but it never did. One day I called Paul - there was no answer, he had changed his number, i couldn't contact him. I was delirious, demented with pain. I tracked him down by going to the library and searching for him. On  a cold November day in 1987 I got my brother to drive me to the address i had found for Paul in London. I knocked at the door. Paul answered - he looked shocked. He invited me in but told me he had moved on he was 'mixing in different circles' now and had rich friends and didn't need or love me. I was  an unbeliever having been brought up in a non christian home... at this moment I felt a hand on my forehead it touched me gently and held me still, i have no idea how but I knew it to be God. Paul drove me to the bus station, I was  crying all the way.

Once back in my hometown i jumped off the bus and decided to step in front of it as it pulled away. As I took the step I felt the same force again on my chest as i had felt on my forehead. I went home, invited all my friends round and got blasted. i was so out of my head - at 2am i remember looking out the window. I heard a voice it said 'go to church'.

The next morning i called my friend who I knew went to church - a spiritualist church. I figured she would know about this sort of thing. I asked her to come with me the next day 'to church' the one on our estate a 'Church of England' one. She said ok. So we went. I was probably out of my head still that Sunday morning. We stumbled into this very 'posh' middle class, ordered,  sedate, well dressed well healed church. Wow what a culture shock for us!!! Two poor struggling broken single parents! Anyway the music played, the speaker spoke and we stood/sat/stood/sat trying to cope with it all.

I wondered what the hell was I doing there... then they sang this song..... 'Father God I wonder how I managed to exist without the knowledge of your parenthood and your loving care'... I was gone, blasted, on the floor in a heap sobbing, shaking, inconsolable. In that moment I met my maker. I KNEW he was real I KNEW the Bible was true I KNEW Jesus had died for me and why he had died. In that moment I became a Christian. I walked out that church that morning a new creature. I had been born-again. I never bothered with drugs again. My life did a 180 degree turn around. I was his and he was mine, I was in love with Jesus completely and utterly. I sat in my little flat and I prayed endlessly. I heard God again speak to me he said ' Stand for your marriage'

Stand for my marriage?! so back then in 1987 I began standing. No one else it seemed was doing this. But I persevered. Paul, still was having nothing to do with me. Eventually though he did start to see our daughter again a few times a year. Each time we all met up it was like hell for me - i loved him but didn't know what to do. I told him i had found Jesus but he wasn't impressed. I prayed and fasted for days and days at a time  all to no avail.  I enrolled at Theological College and asked everyone about marriage and divorce. I was encouraged to 'move on, let go and told I could/should divorce as my non-christian partner had left me. After 7 years of standing Paul asked for a divorce. I crumbled and went off the rails. I met someone else - a non christian and married him within a year and had 2 more children. The marriage was hell. My new husband wasn't a believer. I tried so hard to make it work, my new husband was a good guy and a great dad, but the spiritual differences made the marriage a nightmare. After another 7 years our marriage ended in divorce.

Fast forward now to today. I have been on my own for 9 years now. It's 2011. Recently I was praying about the future and i told God i am ready to get married again, to be in a relationship. I had long ago put Paul in my past and really have not thought much about him for probably 15 years. As I was praying the Lord impressed very strongly on me that it was Paul - he was my 'husband' I was shocked to my core. This seemed crazy, nuts, what on earth was happening to me? How could he be my husband....our daughter sees Paul occasionally. He has remarried and has a child. What was going on? this was me being deluded - surely. I felt rocked to my core.... but slowly the pieces started to fall together. If this was the case my life suddenly 'made sense' all the relationships which hadn't worked no matter how hard i tried. Other huge errors of judgement i had made made sense if Paul was still my husband.  I took to thinking about Paul again. Seriously. And I started to get tingles through my whole being. Could this REALLY be of God?

So I was a reluctant stander to begin with. It's 19 years since we divorced! As the weeks have gone on though  I have more peace and conviction and God is witnessing in such power that this is his will for me.  How could I ever marry anyone else again while my covenant husband is still alive!? And I have to admit after all these years once all is said and done I love him - always have always will!

Julie and Paul on their covenant wedding on March 10th, 1984