
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Ministry Project:

The Lord assigned and confirmed to me 7 years ago the project of bringing back lost truth to the leadership of the Church in the area of divorce, remarriage and adultery as well as another project (book) to help others like us. I had no idea what that would really entail and the extent of what the Lord would reveal to me. I pretty much stay in a state of some shock to what has been buried and the extent of the loss of truth that has taken place. I am in the process of writing –better termed-giving birth to what the Lord has put into me in the last 7 years. Yes, any prayer coming my way is MUCH APPRECIATED! It is like running an obstacle course.

I am on a deadline to get it done and ready to deliver by the second week of December. It is taking every moment to try to press to put it together. It is by far the largest and most difficult undertaking of my ministry life but the Lord keeps showing up in my weakness. I know that it will be something the Lord can use for His purposes in His people. Our goal is to have it ready to go by the winter of 2012 to begin to hold meetings with leaders. I am preparing a very extensive syllabus and handouts. It is titled “A Berean Summit over the Plague of Divorce, Remarriage and Adultery that is assaulting the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Nations of the World.” I know, not just believe, it is the most neglected and the most needed subject for the Body of Christ in this hour. Plagues should cause urgent response but we don’t even know how bad the plague really is. This summit will uncover how bad it really is and how it even effects the matter of revival.

Financial Need: I am in quite a bit of need on this front now. My income is more like an outgo and does not cover my monthly needs. I have little that comes in but need at least $1200 minimum. I live very sparingly but need to see extra gifts of at least $300 monthly. I really want to keep my focus on the projects I am on but did feel that I need to let you know that I am in need for food, gas, cell phone, dental expenses and some once a year bills. Thanks for your consideration of this matter.
May the Lord’s blessing be upon you in a diverse and ever increasing way.

Called to Prepare The Bride for the Wedding,

For no tax deduction needed make out to Sharon Nichols. Send to Sharon Nichols 2149 Roos SW Wyoming, MI 49509

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