
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Devotionals Psalm 139:14 1 Corin 12-4-6


Psalm 139:14 1 Corin 12-4-6

I will praise you for making me and having a purpose for my life before I was even formed in my mother's womb. I give you praise and thank you because of who you are my High God.

You are breathtaking and amazing. I worship you in adoration with all that you create and have created thinking of me in every detail of my life as you made me in secret. How precious are your thoughts of me and your creations around me and for my pleasure.

It's amazing how you would count the grains of the sand as well as design every aspect of my being and soul. I am aware of your presence and yet I am still in the quiet secret place we have together. You are with me at every given hour. I will continue to give you praise and walk humbly in wonder and fear of you Lord as you use me as your earthly vessel for your glory in ministry and to my family until you come again for the whole world to marvel and stand in undeniable wonder.

I am thankful through God's word that I can confirm the gifts that He has given me. I am thankful for each and every gift of the spirit. Each spiritual gift that He has given and trusted in me profits all in whom I minister to on a daily basis. I'm thankful and grateful to our Lord and Savior for the wonderful variety of gifts that He has given to me including my studies at a Bible College and His wise council with the clear understanding of the journey that I am currently on in this season and phase in my life. I'm excited to share in unity with the body how we are all different yet all the same in moving forward in motion and purpose to reach our destiny. Our purpose is in healing and encouragement amongst other gifts that are used to assist each other and the body of Christ in a whole we gain the same knowledge and truth. He is the same God who works in us all and yet in all aspects at the same time. I am in awe of His purpose and design which is inspired by His divine works of the Holy Spirit.

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