
Sunday, March 29, 2015

His Word- Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever

Jack and Jill are married.

God's word says that He has made them (no more two, but) ONE, by the exchanging of their wedding vows. God's word says that He wants them to live together and to be faithful to one another for as long as they both live.

If Jack were unhappy with Jill, would that change God's will? What does God want?
If Jill were unhappy with Jack, would that change God's will? What does God want?
If either Jack or Jill wanted out, would that change God's will? What does God want? Would it change God's mind if they both wanted out?

If either Jack or Jill had an affair, would that change God's will? What does God want? Would it change God's mind if they were both unfaithful?

If a judge in a court said that Jack and Jill were no longer married, would that make it so? Would that make them (no more one, but) two again? Would that change God's will? What does God want?
If Jack or Jill applied for and were granted a license to take another partner, would that make them eligible? Would that change God's will? What does God want?
If Jack or Jill hired a pastor to perform a ceremony in which they exchanged the same wedding vows with another person, would that make it so? Would that change God's will? What does God want?
Does God's will change? Would He sanctify the sin of a person if that person went far enough into it, or persisted in it long enough? Would He sanctify the sin of a person if that person had been betrayed and wounded by the sin of another?

I submit to you that The Lord God does not change, and that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His Word.
Genesis 2 Hosea 1&2
Proverbs 5,6&7 Jeremiah 3
Malachi 2 Matthew 5&19
Mark 10 Luke 16
John 8 Romans 7 1Corinthians 6,7&13
Galatians 5&6. Ephesians 5 Hebrews 13

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