
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year 2016!!! I hope this posting finds you well

God bless you as you continue to STAND FOR ONLY GOD'S BEST FOR YOUR LIFE!!
 I vow as a 1st marriage covenant stander to post more often to help encourage your walk with the Lord.

If He is tugging on your heart right now in this latter hour to obey Him and to GO BACK HOME.... it is Him. Please be willing and obedient. He loves you and has been waiting for this moment. He wishes for nobody to perish in an adulterous union.

Let Him lead and guide you with everything that you'll need..He's faithful in leading us back to truth. What He first began In your marriage no matter how big or little things hiccup was...He's turning it all back around for His glory & purposes.

Many have endure great testing in this season. You've all past the tests!! Congratulations but don't give up now...keep fighting for your 1st marriage and family.

Did you happen to catch the movie War Room yet?  I really hope that you did and that it inspired a deeper passion in serving the Lord in this latter hour. It's not even about your marriage it's about your personal relationship with Christ. What talents did He trust you with as you grew or continue to grow into maturity?

It's what we do for Him that lasts for al, eternity. Your children may  be playing both sides of the separation or divorce thing..but GOD!! They may see the material bribery in this moment but sooner or later they will see how you stayed close to Christ

They will see your obedience and ongoing obedience. It may be a battle right now yet know that the Lord sees through all the smoke and mirrors. It's simply an illusion of deceit. More than likely because it's the same dog and pony show...their is lying, cheating and stealing going on in that other camp.

What was done to you will be repeated. There is a saying...players get played. Or what comes around goes around. The Lord spoke before new years to me saying the tables are turning. Do you believe thta? Beloved, I seriously hope you do!

We are limited in our thinking ...remember what He has promised you! It's not something strange or even odd that you are doing..this thing called 'Standing".
Countless others are doing the same exact thing everywhere in this very moment in your own city, state, nation and yes internationally.  Give Him glory and praise right are never alone nor have you ever been!!! The enemy IS a lier.

It's time to rise up and shine like never before. ..the darker our world gets the brighter we shine. He has plans and purposes for us all. May not another moment be wasted in our lives that do nothing to glorify Him. We don't have time to waste.
We have to  pray for our loved mates, children grandchildren and lost family members etc..

If they don't see anything different than what this lost and dying world has to offer they have no hope. You are that Hope!

I hope to connect you to other Cov. Standers across the globe. I hope to post a new group page this week that connects with this one to achieve just tnat!

Like you I have a very full plate ..yet putting Him 1st is required just as repentance.

I hope that this is a place that you can feel loved and yet convicted if you are in sin of adultery and are willing to finally listen to God tuning out this world. Many Pastors, leaders and even Christian council have watered down the importance of a covenant until death do we part marriage with 1st marriages. It's sickening and repulsive.

God will not continue being mocked. Judgements coming and we need to be in rightstanding and in fear of the Lord. Our nation has seemingly lost its Christian compass and is being entertained by witches and demons. The Word of God is living and true....Proverbs 5 leads to the grave. It doesn't matter if the person you think you
So Called  "re-married" was the one you had or didn't have the affair's still consideed legalized adultery based on scriptures.  And Proverbs 5 leads to the grave...

You just followed it another step further perhaps or are about to do so. STOP and heed this warning. ..A person who marries another person's mate is an adulterer
Which clearly means you are both hell bound. You can't enter God's kingdom without leaving and divorcing that person. Your covenant vow with your husband or wife was and still is for life!

Let go and let God clean up the aftermath of your mistakes. Your family's been waiting for you to show up on their doorstep in a Godly sorrow and repentance. They will soon see the new you. It's never too late to make things right again beloved.

Time is shorter than we think...don't delay this another day or hour. Pick up the phone or better yet just show up! You do your part and He's faithful in doing His. Amen

The tide IS sure that you are part of this revival wave about to hit. You'll save your life and perhaps countless others by your Godly example. No judgement here...just truth. The kind of truth that sets the captives FREE!! It's your get out of jail free card today. Amen

Rejoice!!! God bless you as you are being prayed
 for in this latter hour.

Please forgive the typos and spell check selecting it's own words. I'll clean this rough draft up later today. Blessing!!!

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