
Friday, December 16, 2011

The best is yet to be seen!!!

Posted: 16 Dec 2011 02:49
Good morning,

Dearly beloved, now is the time for all that have been hurt, wounded, standing and going through. Now is the time for you to run under the shade of the arm of your beloved. You have been fighting what seems like an unusual strong tide of demonic activity. Realize that the closer that heaven touches earth and the glory showers comes with greater intensity, so does the enemy imitate what I do. He tries to intensify in wickedness and in evil activity, but remember I have given to you all power over and above his. Always keep in your heart that you, My dear ones will excel in greater strength, sharper vision, greater sensitivity to Holy Spirit, and more persuaded to run the race. Every tear that you cry out to Me is heard and kept in a bottle, where they are added to your many prayers and are poured out over all of the seeds that you have sown in the Kingdom by love. Do not let anyone or anything pluck up what I grown in My garden, you bring forth the sweetest aroma my dearest. You must keep moving forward by taking steps daily that I have laid out for you. Do not stop in your advancing, you will find that you recover readily, it is an ability that I have given to you. You know that My desire is for you to receive the Kingdom that I have freely given, to all that love Me and keep my commands.

You are the apple of My eye and I delight to attend to you and give to you the best and the highest. Keep running the race that I have set before you, keep moving forward! Run to obtain the prize.

Being strong in Me does not mean being without feelings. Feelings do not control you, yet you are to be sensitive and full of compassion for all in My house that are running alongside you. Also, consider all those who may have fallen and need your compassion and strength to encourage them to stand. Be a beacon of light for Me. Keep in mind that after standing, you are to continue standing in the power of My might. It is My ability that you can rely on. It is the only way that you will withstand in the evil days. I will not let you fall, rest and learn to lean on Me. I will bring you with ease to the next level of destiny. The best is yet to be seen!


Pastor D.
Scripture Reference: Ephesians 6:11-18; Song of Sol. 4:12-16; 1 Corin. 9:24-27

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