
Saturday, July 6, 2013

"Do I tell them I'm standing?"

{{{NEW STANDERS}}} "Should I call him?" "Would you invite her?" "Do I tell them I'm standing?" With everything being topsy-turvy right now in your marriage and nothing the same, treading the water of how to deal with your wayward spouse can be confusing. Showing unconditional love is one thing but what's acceptable to say? What's appropriate? Some have no contact with their husband or wife and can't communicate. Others see their spouse often but there is so much hostility their words are returned. There can be an urge to reach out, I know what that feels like and there is conflicting information available for research as to what to do and how to do it if you look for instructions for others. The only set detail in place for restoration is that we have to go to the Father. How He'll arrange the plan varies from marriage to marriage and how He'll attend to the details is up to Him. I felt led by the spirit to tell my husband I was standing. He was headed to the airport to go out of the country to visit the other person. A great urge to tell Him I wasn't giving up on Him came over me and I sent an email unsure if he'd get it before the flight. He did get it and he still went on his trip. However, something very peaceful was in the midst as I had no expectations of the email changing his mind or turning him home. That's what I was led to do and the way I was led to do it. I also hugged him on Father's Day and told him he was welcome home at anytime with no questions asked. On our anniversary I gave him a card. There were days I had the desire to touch his arm and say I love you but I didn't. A time I wanted to tell him to cut the nonsense out and come home but I refrained. No one else could have instructed me to do or say these things or not say and do these things. No one on earth could have given me the peace from doing the things I did when his answers and responses were less than positive. If you allow yourself to be Spirit-led rather than emotion-led, logic-led and people-led, you'll be led to do everything you need to do. Sharon Nichols Used with permission Kris. God Bless you faithful servant!

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