
Saturday, February 1, 2014

What hurts the most...just like the song by Rascal Flatts :/

So what hurts the most as the world around you including mislead pastors & leadership continue to invite you to "move on" from your first Cov mate of your youth. While you very well knowingly are obeying the Lord to remain single & that you know in your heart as well as see it in the Word that you are not free to remarry. Does it get any easier year after year? The answer-my personal answer is no. It doesn't. As a matter of fact I've written about this before. Feb. Is another hard month for me because it happens to be my husbands birthday early in this month. He's never far from thoughts or prayers anyways. You know that if you are Standing. Just like the lyrics of the song "What hurts the most" would be those unspoken words to each other in which other people simply stood in the way. Those moments that you would have said such & such at so & so timeframes given the chance leading...perhaps extra courage in not failing the mission. Not only were those thoughts and even perhaps those failed plans of action were looking back were indeed planted by a real enemy who family after family. Marriage after marriage continues to rage on in this war for your beloveds soul as well as mine. No exceptions to the rule. This war for Godly cov marriages just like abortion is a killer to a person(s) destiny so is adultery to a lost soul or souls. Putting a ring on it or blurring it out the past so to speak and "moving on" as they say doesn't solve a thing. As a matter of fact it makes things much worse. Not just for the children involved but involving another person into the picture forces an unnatural and unnecessary 3rd and sometimes when a Stander falls into that same pitfall there is a 4th unnecessary person. This doesn't include added relatives that aren't according to the bloodline the Lord intended. Many would argue the fact and then justify this action And sin called remarriage. In Gods Kingdom we are bound to that mate for life until death do they part. No exceptions to Gods rule. What sealed the deal...God, witnesses As well as a cov. Scriptural bond with NO escape clause. That clause was found in the betrothal period not after marriage. The Church of today is in grave error. Proverbs 5 leads to the grave. Your prayers for your one flesh mate is so important. Please continue to fight this good fight in prayer as well as fasting. May you know that the Lord hears & answers your prayers too in this latter season. You may still be hurting yet the Lord is using you to turn others away from seperation or divorce. Your journey has not and will not ever be wasted. If you choose a different course right now knowing what you know about standing for your marriage & remarriage expect God to deal with you. He is final judge & jury. Why would you want extra judgment in a day and age where we are going to see Him soon face to face? Do you still believe? Do you need more prayer? More encouragers to cheer you on to victory? Please know even IF I don't know who you are or where you are the Lord does! If you are Standing for your 1st cov.marriage know that I and many like me are praying them home daily. So what hurts the most is watching others get SO close to restoration of their 1st marriages and then throwing it all away. Our marriages are made by His design. He has a big plan and purpose for our marriages even in the process of the restoration period. Remain steadfast and faithful to the end. If for nothing else but obeying God. Please do this for your mates salvation as well as breaking off sin cycles and ongoing generational curses-cycles. Remember God choose YOU Stand strong even if you are currently hurting and wondering how long. The latter days are promised to be greater! Be watchful & sober. He is with us! He sees the "Big Picture". Trust Him enough in letting Him in putting the puzzle pieces together all for HIS GLORY! Amen We shall SEE His Glory! Just believe & look to Him for all that you are in need of not in greed of today. He will meet you right where you are at today. If you are in a 2nd or 3rd non cov.marriage consider it not strange that the Lord is and has been leading you out. He wants you to remain rightly and teachable again putting that event that never should have taken place (even if there are children born). Get out while you still can. Judgments going to fall on our nations. Be 100% sure you are pure repented with a Godly sorrow. God knows all and sees all. Stop trying to fix that relationship that's been broken from the beginning. Its time to send someone flees mate HOME AGAIN! Be set free from the bondage of darkness. Many are worldly and won't tell you the truth...why because they have justified their ongoing sin as well as know many others. They think they are rightfully justified in Being with someone else s mate who still living. Its Biblical not to be free to remarry. Be sure to point that out to the person you are about to depart from Or the people who don't yet see. Imagine your rewards in Heaven. Many may follow your example. Be of great boldness & courage. Hurt no more from that relationship be set completely free in this hour. Heaven rejoices along with you. You'll see a weight lifted off from you soon. God bless you for your obedience. Sorry this hasn't yet been edited. Blessings beloved.

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