
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Satan is not only after 1st cov. marriages and families, but is ultimately after the image of God in the sight of His people.

Have NEW EYES TO SEE! He's speaking this again this weekend! Satan is not only after 1st cov. marriages and families, but is ultimately after the image of God in the sight of His people. The believer who suffers the misfortune of a divorce has two clear options: remain unmarried or be reconciled to one's own cov. mate. To teach anything else is inconsistent with God's standard for marriage. "I believe that Satan is not only after marriages and families, but is ultimately after the image of God in the sight of people. If he can distort the image of God in the sight of people so that a false image of who God is and how He relates to man is established in the hearts of people, then he can make it virtually impossible for them to truly trust God. I believe that in forsaking the covenant value of marriage and embracing that of contract, Desiderius Erasmus opened the door for the present wave of divorce, dysfunction, abuse, and family destruction which we are now experiencing in the church in the 1990's. When Christian pastors and leaders authorize and condone the remarriage of divorced Christians, they are aiding Satan in misrepresenting the image and character of God." In it's simplest of terms "STANDING" means to honor the Cov. 1st marriage vows you made on your first and only real wedding day regardless of the circumstances you are in today. Those wedding vows at your first marriage are bound and binding up until one of you departs. Departs means death! If you are not in right with the Lord...TURN BACK NOW AND GO HOME to the Cov wife or husband of your youth. Yes, it is that simple and you are able to rip off that bandaid just like you did when you left your own family with wrong motives and ungodly intentions. It may hurt now but it will be with the pain and celebrations yet ahead. Amen DO IT NOW without delay because no one knows the day or the hour of our Lords return. What you have to loose? Pride? The Lord will provide double for your trouble. Obey in this latter hour like never before. Its not about you! It is all about Him for HIS GLORY and purposes. He is faithful even when we are not. Let Him show you your way of escape! Amen my Brothers and Sisters...STAND STRONG and SEE! Do NOT give UP nor GIVE IN! Have the BULLDOG FAITH AND HOLD ON LIKE NEVER BEFORE with your HEALS DUG IN! Gods Word has NEVER CHANGED...Our world has been so watered down to please the world and not the Lord. It is clearly time to REPENT and GO BACK HOME!! Just about everything. What is clearly lasting and beautiful most people don't seem even want anymore. Its just going to get worse. Be the light and change that you wish to see! Perhaps at one time you even prayed for your own family (parents) to reconsile. Well now that is you OWN WIFE or HUSBAND praying that for you if you are currently in the far country. Can you see things a bit more clearer now? You KNEW what was right back then as you do now. Your family not only wants you back but needs you back. You are called to be the head and not the tail. Stop sitting behind that adultress jezabel she has noting for you in the long run. You are called to be a great man of courage and strength leaving a legacy for your own family. Which doesnt mean following a fool/folly to the pit of hell according to Prov. 5 She too needs immediate delieverance! Its has been a great deception that you fell into and followed just like others before you. You CAN get out right now so stop believing the lies of the enemy. You are worth dying for and that is the whole reason that Christ went to the cross for you alone. God be with you as you make that right choice. May they know you at the gates as the Lord intended it to be when you were first married as one flesh. May she (or he) too go back to the real husband of her youth and back to her (or his) own family to set things right again. Be in rightstanding now...God is turning the tide and you are part of it! If you watching (lusting) to keep up with the Joneses and are like this world you will crave more of the things this world does and has. It does not matter if you are a Pastor or a Leader. It will matter come judgement day. Nobody can take you place on that day so be sure that your heart is right and repented daily. "I believe that in marriage this exchange of the value of covenant for the value of contract is responsible for a major portion of the abuse and dysfunction currently taking place in families. Let me explain. The covenant value in marriage would say to the marriage partner, “I am irrevocably committed to you until death separates us. My commitment to you has nothing to do with your performance or any choice you make. It is a unilateral commitment before God unto death.” This is the commitment that Jesus made to us. “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). - Craig Hill

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