
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hinderances: Moving On In Right Standing with the Lord!

This has been heavy on my heart this week. Don't let your mate or the other person be a hinderance in your life ever! Your current mess is your message. Don't sit around doing nothing, but rather be active for God's Kingdom, because there is no time to waste! This is the only life you have!

Just know that your mate has to mold back into your life and into God's purpose and plan in the days and years ahead. Let them run and catch up with you and the Holy Spirit and what He is doing in you and through you!

Many people including Pastors and their wives (I don't have to name names here but are knowingly and unknowingly leading people to the slaughter one by one). As our ministry grows we see more and more of it happening. Confrontation with Pastors, Leaders, ect. are reading the Word as just one passage of scripture in most cases and don't take it any further than the adultery issue or let the unbeliever depart. I could give them many scriptures so their eyes would open quickly.

If you were a person in church and committed adultery, then your position in that church would be reduced and demoted to an Usher  not leadership and a Pastor leading a congregation! It's not biblical and we are now seeing this happening in the Assembly of God churches. Lord, help us get right or get left!

Many of these same people will tell you to move on, just as they have perhaps justifying their current relationships. I'm not being judgmental and it's not a view of a christian nut. I KNOW WHAT THE WORD SAYS and it also says not to follow the world!

We are told not to be worldly yet the church and leadership has watered down messages in the churches to reach baby christians who many are hungry for more meat and have to find it for themselves! The church has become a stagnant playground of entertainment, amusement, cultured and packaged to the world's standard.
If thats the mission, than take it to the streets where people who feel like they don't fit in are and reach the masses under the big Revival tents where the real healing take place. That's where the Holy Spirit is! If you want to move on in the spirit then you have to get into His presence personally. GET IN HIS WORD and eat for yourself! Simply taste it and SEE!

We are in the midnight hour right now and not only do you need to move on - to His glory that is, but move on in the things that He is calling you to do for Him!

Move on while praying for your Mate. Stop delaying what the Lord has for you to do for His Kingdom. Look for that house you've been looking to relocate to so you can be the beacon of light in your community. Look for that new job. Go back to college. Please the Lord and not man!

If you keep heading on the path that you are on you are headed for destruction!

No more distractions in Jesus name! Get back up again! Know that if you return back to the sin you were once in it;s going to be seven times worse! Stay on track with the Lord and please Him now. He's been waiting for your return into active duty and not the sidelines or bench. You have more to offer the world than you think that you do. Your Stand is just a part of it - just a speck! He's working on your total restoration of you as he works on the mate of your youth. Don't give up or give into what the world says you should do or follow. It's you who has to stand before the Lord come Judgement Day and nobody else will go with you.

Just remember that God will answer you in His time and He is never late nor is He too early. He's an on-time God! God will make it right someday and we pray that it will be suddenly and soon!

Remember that you are passing through suffering! So, don't allow failures to determine your future. Refuse to wallow in self-pity and past mistakes. Don't hold on to your current situation, release it completely to the Lord. Let Him bless the works of your hands! Let go and let the Lord perfect that in you for His glory!

Romans 5:3-4, 1 Peter 1:6-7, Psalms 52:8, Heb 9:27, 1 Cor 15:19, 1 Sam 22:9-23, Jer 29:11

God Bless You as you stand for Him,


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