
Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Wants To Emerge

What Wants To Emerge

Dear Friend,

The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 4 of the Ascension-Gift ministries inaugurated by Christ when He returned to His Father’s Throne having finished the work He came to accomplish.

One of the greatest and most significant dynamics of these “gift-ministries” is that they did not exist at all prior to the Finished Work. Certainly there is a foreshadowing of them as you read through the pages of the Scriptures from Genesis to Malachi in the Old Testament. However, the shadows only give us outlines, and not the full substance of their significance. It is the difference between a shadow cast by the moon that reveals the outline of a tree, as opposed to the tree standing in the full light of the noonday sun revealing every detail of its nature and its dynamics and rich texture.

When all you can see is the shadow of a tree under the moonlight casting its image on a translucent surface, you can only but guess at what the substance of the outline actually contains. For that reason, the writer to the Book of Hebrews instructs us to understand that while Old Covenant Israel was governed in their seasons and times by the New Moon, at best what they saw was the shadow of Christ and all that it implied.

In Christ, the Son, God has spoken fully and finally because He, the Son, is the TRUE LIGHT, Who, when coming into the world, enlightens every man. The full light of Christ governs the New Covenant and we have moved from SHADOW to SUBSTANCE!

In His light, we see light!

As a result, when it comes to anything that has to do with the substance, which Paul tells us in Colossians and in other places, belongs to Christ; that applies as well to the Ascension-Gift ministries of Ephesians 4, INCLUDING THE PROPHETS!

This is vitally important because all too often there is an undue emphasis on Old Testament prophetic tradition to describe a New Testament prophet. This puts a major constraint on the ability to grasp with firmer hand the grace that comes to the New Testament Ascension-Gift ministry of the prophet, as well as the others.

We have to come to a place of accepting the fact that the Cross is the pivotal point in all of history and EVERYTHING that leads up to the CROSS changes once it passes through the Cross, including the ministry, the word, and the voice of the prophet.

We can glean many things from the types and shadows of the Old Testament regarding those God appointed to lead the people out of bondage into freedom, out of the brickyard into the Promised Land, out of Exile and back to their homeland, and all that goes with those things. However, there has to be a radical acknowledgement of the words of Christ Himself when He says, “the law and the prophets was until John (the Baptist).”

Something shifts once John the Baptist decreases and Christ increases, which by the way is one of those verses that is all too often misinterpreted and mishandled in the name of “spirituality.” “He must increase and I must decrease” is not the template for New Testament spirituality. In fact, it is the last and greatest of all the prophets of the Old Order letting us know a New Day has begun, and in Christ it is not marked by being merely servants who are in a “decreased” position, it is marked by a revelation of sonship, which puts all of those who are in Christ in a position of increase by the grace of Christ’s Finished Work!

How come all of this is so important?

We live in a day when much attention and much reproach has come upon “prophetic” ministry due to excesses, abuses, lack of accountability, and a lack of mature understanding from Scripture on the work of the New Testament prophet in light of the Finished Work and the coming of the Kingdom in Christ and the New Day of the Holy Spirit, which began on the Day of Pentecost and continues even until now.

Often the prophets of old called the people of Israel “back” to something they had wandered from. In the New Covenant, the prophets of the Ascended Christ call people “forward” to what wants to emerge in relation to the Finished Work and the Eternal Purpose of the Father, which is all about “bringing many sons to glory!”

What if the Father really did spend His anger and wrath on Christ on the Cross, and is now operating on a basis of a “covenant of peace that shall not be shaken,” as promised in the last half of the prophet Isaiah? What if it is the “kindness of God that leads to repentance” rather than the wrath, anger, and judgment of God?

What if God is begging the lost through us to “come home” and experience the fullness of redemption because Christ has reconciled us to the Father, and is not counting our transgressions against us? What if the Word of God is really true? I know it sounds like I am being satirical, however, I am endeavoring to make a point: all too often we have presented prophetic ministry from an Old Testament notion (and I say notion because a careful examination of the prophets doesn’t reveal a group of angry, judgmental, people-cursing group of individuals who delight in seeing people suffer) that the prophet is a prophet of judgment.

I have grown weary of the voices that always look for another reason why God is mad at either His people or at sinners, and is just waiting to send fire from heaven to destroy them. Is there sin? Oh yes, and indeed it leads to death, without question. It is alienation and separation from God. Yet even alienation and separation from God is only a portion of what sin and the principle of sin created. It is alienation from God, self, and others. When you look at it in its totality, it leaves the stark awareness of the abject pain and poverty of the human condition, and the desperate need for redemption, grace, and mercy.

Jesus Himself described the “day” He inaugurated when He found in the scroll of Isaiah the words, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, for He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor…” Jesus goes on to describe a ministry of deliverance, healing, reconciliation, and well-being, and He closes the BOOK just prior to announcing “the day of vengeance” of the Lord.

All too often, when I hear some people speak prophetically, claiming they have the heart of God when they speak, they determine to convince their hearers that their “judgments” are “righteous judgments,” for the sake of justice and righteousness. Yet the more they talk, the more evident it seems that their goal is vengeance and not justice, and they unconsciously step over a boundary and take God’s place, Who alone says, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.”

No, the New Testament prophet has to be just that: a prophet of the New Covenant, the better covenant, enacted on better promises, and based on the Blood that speaks BETTER than the blood of Abel. The standard for New Testament prophetic ministry is the Finished Work, and the immediacy of grace and glory available to every child of God because God has shone His light in our hearts in the face of Christ, and we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being changed into His image from glory to glory!

If you really, truly want to be an effective prophetic voice for the Risen Christ, you just may have to “repent” of wanting to call fire down from heaven on all those who oppose you or perhaps oppose God. James and John were called “the sons of thunder” by Jesus for a reason: they were hot-headed and had tempers. In fact, when they wanted to call fire down on the Samaritans, they claimed Biblical precedence because in the very place where the Samaritans rejected Christ as He made His way to Calvary in the last three months of His earthly life, James and John wanted to repeat what Elijah did to his enemies in that very region and on that very site generations before, which was to call fire down from heaven and destroy the enemies of God.

Listen, James and John had Biblical precedence, Elijah had dealt with this same ethnic group and called fire down from heaven when they rejected the word and the way of Jehovah God. However, when we move from the shadow to the substance, which is all in Christ the Son, and God no longer speaks that way, rather He speaks in and through His Son, the Son says to the “sons of thunder,” “You know not what spirit you are of!” In other words, Jesus is now saying, “in light of where things have advanced in the coming of My Father’s Kingdom through Me, you are now operating under a spirit that is not the Holy Spirit, nor is it a spirit that is congruent with what I came for and what I am about!”

On March 22nd and 23rd, I am inviting a number of individuals from every tribe, race, kindred, and tongue, and generation and age group, who are truly desirous of seeing a manifestation and recovery of the power of New Testament prophetic ministry, to join me for two solid days of dialogue, teaching, and the exploration of the Scriptures regarding prophetic ministry in the 21st century.

The Spirit wants to “disclose what is to come.” That Beloved is FAR MORE than the end of the world and the judgment of the nations. As long as we are in the Day of the Spirit, and there are multiplied billions of souls in need of the Savior, there is much that can happen by way of true New Testament prophetic ministry that can serve to bring about the Eternal Purpose of the Father.

Are sinners in need of salvation in Christ? We know that answer, and it is YES.

Are there conditions to receiving the love of Christ? We know that answer as well, and it too is YES.

Is repentance no longer necessary? If you love God and believe the Scripture you know that answer as well, and it is NO.

The question we may need to rethink, however, is whether or not we “embody” what Christ came and did as the Incarnate Son. When the Word became flesh, He was moved with compassion and healed the sick, and delivered ALL who were oppressed of the devil. His miracles, signs, and wonders, which accompanied a message of radical forgiveness and an invitation to be a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven caused the masses to recognize Him as a “prophet.”

The only people Jesus got angry at were the religious leaders that misrepresented the heart of His Father. In fact, He went so far as to say that they were of their father, the devil himself. As you know that didn’t go over well, and from that point on they sought to kill Him (which is what the religious spirit always wants to do to the prophetic).

Isn’t it interesting that sinners were attracted to Him, while the Pharisees and Sadducees were appalled by Him? Isn’t is interesting that sinners were attracted to the “beauty of holiness” in Him and not repelled by holiness at all. It was the religious spirit fueled by self-righteousness that hated Him and the beauty of holiness He embodied, without a cause.

It is time to return to the Christ of Calvary, the Christ of the Finished Work, the Son of the Living God who came to reveal the perfect love of the Father.

It is time to reacquaint ourselves with what indeed is foreshadowed in the Old Covenant and revealed in light in the New Covenant as it relates to prophetic ministry.

There is a desperate need for a recovery of:

Prophetic Imagination
Prophetic Intuition
Prophetic Integration
Prophetic Initiative

I am going to systematically and carefully lay down an architectural framework for prophetic ministry during this two-day period at The Prophetic Initiative.

There will be many seasons of direct experience with the Spirit of the Lord in worship, intercession, and the expression of His heart in prophetic release.

There will be times of impartation and laying on of hands. There will be demonstrations of the Spirit and power so that your faith will rest on the power of God and not the wisdom of man.

There will be instruction regarding the keys of the Kingdom and the manifestation and operation of the charismata in full expression.

There will be opportunity for personal ministry.

There will be the teaching regarding the lost art of spiritual dialogue and its essential importance in this current hour if we are to “hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.”

We will talk about the significance and importance of direct experience with Christ, and the all-too-often ignored and needful aspects of how direct experience is the very root of transformation and the renewal of the mind.

I can assure you of this: I have not lifted my voice to teach on the prophetic or even have a “school of the prophets” in years because I felt impressed by the Lord to lay it down until another season.

This is that season, and I am prepared to share my heart, my life, and the insights I have gleaned from the Word of God, the processes of God I have been through, and the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life.

If you want to fall in love with Jesus all over again, and experience the experience of genuine generative power by the indwelling Christ, and the refreshing, renewing, and restorative Presence of the Holy Spirit, and the love of the Father, than join me in Orlando, on March 22nd-23rd for The Prophetic Initiative: What Wants To Emerge.

I will share key insights that are tied to where the Lord is taking His church in the next 5 to 10 years so that you can recognize His goings forth, which are from of old!

If you cannot attend in person and want to participate by way of the internet, I need you to write a letter letting me know the reason you believe I need to allow you to participate at a distance.

What wants to emerge in your life in the next decade?

Do you know what it is that is demanding your full attention from the heart of the Father?

Do you have a sense, yet need clarity of thought in order to bring it to speech?

Are you tired of the rehashing of the traditions of men and are you looking for an authentic and genuine expression of the Spirit of the Lord in this hour?

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you for The Prophetic Initiative.

Much love in Christ,
Mark J. Chironna, MA, PhD

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