
Friday, October 31, 2014

In order to leave or depart from something you have to be apart of it initially.

In order to leave or depart from something you have to be apart of it initially. Many people start out following Christ, but that doesn't mean they will make it to heaven. Its how you finish (the race) in the end that will matter and determine if you were truly in the faith or have left or departed from the faith. True Christianity, to be truly saved, one must count the cost of following Jesus, one must pick up his or her Cross DAILY (not a one time thing) and follow the master Jesus Christ all his/her days of their life. You must endure to the end to be saved. Most do not realize what this means. To endure to the end you must be willing to forsake all your ways, sin, self, covetnesss, etc and follow only Christ, He is the only one that can take us to heaven! We must ENDURE sound doctrine, and not fall for the teachings of the doctrines of demons that is being heavily preached in these last days. We must endure persecution, trials and tribulation all for Christ. We must ENDURE THE FAITH, we must contend for the faith without compromise, slacking off, or getting lazy etc. We must take a bold stand for Christ and HIS TRUTH/HIS WORD over mans word/the worlds word. We must endure and be fully committed/devoted/sold out for Jesus Christ no matter what the cost! We must obey the master Jesus Christ, and follow HIS teachings/commands/His ways. We must be a sure doer of the word not only reading it or preaching it to others. Not only being a hearer of the word but being a doer of his word until the very end. We must endure what is coming to Christians, without turning away from Christ. Most people will fall away/depart from the faith, for they will not endure sound doctrine, they will not endure the words of the bible, they will not endure the life of Christ, they way He lived and the way He died. Most will not go to the extreme to follow Jesus. Most have a form of religion, they go to church every Sunday, they might read their bible once in a while, But they fail to get to know this Jesus they hear about for them self. Most have religion and not Christ. There's no intimacy with Christ! There's no time spent on your face hours in prayer, seeking the fathers face, seeking the fathers will. Most want the ticket to heaven (because its free) but they fail to know the truth, that their is a condition that Jesus made in order for anyone to go to heaven. Thy must take up their cross and follow Jesus. The Cross is painful! It's not a easy way of living. You must crucify your sinful ways/life and follow Jesus Christ. You must forsake your life and live for the one who dies for you, who ransomed you in HIS own life's blood. Heaven in much harder to get to than most think. Jesus never said it would be easy, in fact he said the way is narrow and few be that find eternal life. The falling away has begun. Many have departed from the faith. Jesus is soon to come back! Jesus cannot come back until the great falling away comes first! Its here people! Wake up and know the times and seasons we are living in. True followers of Jesus are hated for their faith, we are not liked and loved by the world. Jesus said if they hated me they will also hate you. The falling away that Jesus spoke of is definitely here. It takes more than reading something to understand, we need to Holy Spirit to illuminate the scriptures and make His word real to us. We have to have spiritual eyes and ears to hear what the spirit is saying to the churches in the last days. Christ could come at any moment! Are we fully committed to the work of the Lord? Are we really seeking the lost souls and telling them about Jesus Christ? Are we out there winning souls for Christ, while there is still time, while the door is still barely open? Are we not living in hypocrisy and living clean lives before Jesus? The world is going to hell, does anyone really care about the lost? Have we truly examined our own life in the light of scripture? Are we sure that we are saved and on the way to heaven? Jesus said in the last days deception would be rampant, sin would increase, many will have itching ears, they will follow doctrines of demons instead of the truth, and many will depart from the faith! I encourage us all to examine our life, ask your self are you still in love with Jesus like when you first felt you were on fire for Him? I exhort you to live a life of holiness, a life that is pleasing and acceptable to the Lord! I exhort you to know your bible and get on your face and pray before the Lord. Spend quality time/hours with the Lord. The spirit of the Lord is speaking to the end time Church. Its time for those who profess to love Jesus rise up in holiness and be doers of His word. If we are not doers we have fallen apostate, we have fallen away from HIS truth! We need to be close to our master Jesus and follow him tot he very end. When the Bridegroom Jesus returns, it will not take the Bride by surprise, as she was ready and waiting to go in with her Beloved Bridegroom for the marriage! For the apostate, the sleeping, the un ready, the fallen away they will be taken by surprise when Jesus comes, He will come upon them suddenly as a thief in the night! Be ready! Be watchful! Don't be sleeping in the last days. If you are not living your life fully dedicated/consecrated and sold out to Christ, you are only deceiving your self and are not worthy to be called his disciple. BE YE READY! THE BRIDEGROOM IS STANDING AT THE DOOR! BEHOLD, THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH!!!!!! JESUS WILL TAKE IN AND MARRY ONLY THOSE WISE VIRGINS! JESUS WILL MARRY THE CLEAN VIRGINS! THOSE WHO WERE FOUND READY! NOT LACKING! NOT SLACKING! NOT SLUMBERING! NOT SLEEPING! NOT FALLEN AWAY! NOT LOST HER OIL! NOT LOST HER LOVE/FIRE FOR HIM! AND NOT CHEATING ON HIM WITH OTHER LOVERS! THE BRIDE'S OIL WAS FILLED TO THE TOP! SHE WAS FOUND READY! HER LOVE FOR HER BRIDEGROOM WAS A FLAMING FIRE THAT HAS NOT GONE OUT! IF THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH, ARE YOU READY? ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH OIL OF YOUR OWN? JESUS IS COMING! PLEASE BE PREPARED FOR THE COMING OF THE BRIDEGROOM! BE YE READY FOR THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH FOR A BRIDE WHO IS READY! ARE YOU THE FOOLISH VIRGIN JESUS TALKED ABOUT? OR ARE YOU ONE OF THE WISE VIRGINS, WHO WAS READY AND HAD OIL?

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