
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Must WATCH Video for everyone in this hour....WAKE UP, REPENT & GO HOME...back to your FIRST LOVE!

Please watch this short video, and understand that everything God does or has done, Satan tries to duplicate~ but it is all counterfeit; even so, it is misleading so many lost souls, into worshiping demons. So many people are being blinded by deception, they are spiritually asleep; not at all aware of what is taking place all around the world, as evil runs rampant putting their demonic plans into place. The Fourth beast described in Daniel and Revelation, is a one world government; or as the Illuminati call it, a "New World Order" of which the Bible says, will trample down the whole earth. Daniel 7:23 Satan and his minions disguise themselves as angels of light. They know their time is short, so they are on a mission to steal, kill, and destroy all of us. We are the generation (70 years from Israel becoming a nation) Daniel 9:23 that God speaks of in Bible prophecy, who will see this all come to pass. The 7 year Tribulation is now upon us! Jesus is right at the door~ Be on the right side of the battle of good and evil as it unfolds! Jesus is coming soon to remove his beloved bride in the "Harpazo" or Rapture. Beloved, stand firm on his promises and wait in faith. 1Thes 4:13 However,those who do not choose to follow him now, will be left behind to face a time of trouble never before seen on this earth. God promises, he has not appointed his believers to wrath. 1 Thess 4:9 Right now, he is calling out a last remnant of people, to receive his free gift of eternal life with him. Titus 2:13 We who are witnessing these events taking place, are called to tell others the TRUTH about these things that are coming, and tell others of God's love for us all, John 3:16 and his wonderful plan to save us from this coming darkness. 1John 5:11

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