
Monday, October 31, 2011

How to Stand for YOUR Cov. Marriage!

How to Stand For your Marriage

“For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband” (1Corinthians 7:14 NIV).

To stand for your marriage means that you take up a specific position. You decide that you’re not going to conform to the world’s ways and solutions, but do what the Lord wants us to do when our marriage goes sour. To stand for one’s marriage may sound simple, but it goes against everything the world teaches and what your flesh desires. To stand for your spouse is love in action.

To stand you must have endurance and patience. You must keep yourself full with the Word of God. Always keep your eyes on Jesus and not your circumstances. The battle is not ours but God’s, all I have to do is stand and endure. I ask the Lord to change me first before He starts the change in my beloved.

Our God is the God of restoration and reconciliation. He never ever gave up on us, and He wants the same from us; to never ever give up on our beloveds.

The Lord wanted me to show others who are in the same position, that there is hope, even if it seems that there is none. I am thankful for Churches who are now seeing the light and meaning of one flesh cov marriages. We were able to attend a ceremony of cov vow renewals. Not the worlds way but Gods way. I know that there will be MANY events like this and if you are doing so in your area please let us know.

We also have resources for Floral, backdrops and full wedding accessories A-Z which also includes Gowns. Feel free to contact us. We have also noticed that there are many spies in the land today. We must be doing something right. 

I will NOT Stand with any ministry unless its God approved. I know for a fact and its scriptual not to be in such company. I refuse to play a part in their gossip or any other form.  Amen 

God Bless!!

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