
Friday, October 21, 2011

Please catch up on ALL Postings and if we are blessing you please Plant a Seed.

If our writings are blessing you...please consider planting a SEED into the Kingdom.
Our arms are far reaching and perhaps because you are not planting may be the reason you are not getting blessings or answered prayers. Do not withhold any good thing! Many we know do not attend a local church body. Please know that each and every seed you plant goes into GREAT ground for HIS GLORY!

If you have promised our Ministry donation and havent followed through with it. Please act on it today!
God knows that there are some waiting for us in this hour. We have already lifted up your Requests but in order to move fwd. We need your promised blessings to flow in. If you are sending them in Internationally we have made it easy for you and can provide our routing numbers to you by personal email by request.

We LOVE you ALL and want to see the Kingdom in fwd motion not stagnant! He gets ALL the GLORY!!

Thank you in advance!


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