
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Put on your full armor, for battle is near.

It was all very beautiful the day we were wed.

We stood before God and our vows had been said.

"For richer or poorer, for better or worseTil death do us part,"
what a beautiful verse.

We meant what we vowed and started our life.

The way God intended, as husband and wife.

We felt very blessed with the life that we had,The trials and triumphs, both happy and sad.

And as the years passed, what we both didn't know,

Is love can't be felt if you don't let it show.

You settle for comfort instead of life's joy.

Then in roars the lion to steal, kill, and destroy.

You're not sure what happened, you try at all cost,

To win back their heart, but your loved one is lost.

Their soul has been stolen, one flesh torn apart.

You cry out to God for their soul and your heart.

Then God whispers softly, "My child, come here,

Put on your full armor, for battle is near.

Pray and have faith that the devil's been beat.

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